Don Feidner
Last Update: 24 August 2015
Zurück zur Hauptseite!
1 Westerland and Braderup
2 Keitum and Morsum
3 List, Kampen and Wenningstedt
4 Ellenbogen - The Elbow
5 Romo
6 Rantum and Hörnum
7 Hallig Hooge
8 Denmark
9 Sylt Wattland to Hamburg
10 Elbe in Hamburg to Home in Hessen
Rantum and Hörnum - The South End of Sylt
The most interesting part of Rantum is the small harbor on the Watt.
A few people live south of the harbor in a new construction area.
Youth Hostel or Clinic
The Lighthouse in Hörnum is Impressive
My wife, Angela, joined me for a visit 2 weeks later.
Next to the harbor was a place for catamarans.
The biggest attraction in the harbor is Willi, a female sea lion that has lived there for many years. A small stand sells food for Willi.
South of the city is a trail that heads to the end of the Island. Here, Horst is posing with my bicycle south of the lighthouse.
A few meters further south and the asphalt changed to sand.
Shelter from the Sun and Wind
View to the West
A small whale was sighted at this beach.
Continue on to Hallig Hooge
Rantum - New Homes
There are a few playgrounds in Rantum, but mostly next to schools.
The Area Between Rantum and Hörnum is mostly Dune Landscape
Approaching Hörnum on the South End of the Island Street Lights Suddenly Appear
Karin, Horst and Gertrud joined me for a day in Hörnum.
The Harbor in Hörnum was especially attractive. Here the Adler tourist ship is returning from the south.
To the left of the harbor is a small beach with a lifeguard.
We left the harbor to go to a coffee shop about 100 meters away.
Yours Truly. Horst and the ladies came on the bus. I rode my bike.
On the Beach
Just a couple of years ago, this lookout extended into what is now the ocean. Wind and erosion wiped out all except part of the stairs.
View to the East
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