Don Feidner
Last Update: 19 August 2015
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Part 6 - Elbe Bike Trail - Pretsch to Magdeburg
Part 5 - Dresden to Pretsch
Part 6 - Pretsch to Magdeburg
Part 7 - Magdeburg to Havelberg
Part 8 - Havelberg to Hamburg
Of Course! Somewhrer I have to get into the Internet.
On the way to Wittenberg, 100 windmills pop up!
Every once in a while, there were cool allees
The Schlosskirche (Castle Church) was unfortunately under renovation in preparation for the 500 Year Reformation Festival in 2017
Martin Luther city center in Wittenberg
Luther City Wittenberg - From a bridge, we see the Castle Church and the City Church
The city church was also being renovated.
World Globe Wittenberg
Here in the center of the city we filled our water bottles.
This empty frame stood here in the landscape. Now, my own photograph is in it!!!
The ferry near Coswig
Falconry Building
Sometimes we were distracted from our bike trail. For example this group was celebrating near Dessau and invited us to join them.
Church tower in Dessau
Here we crossed the Elbe in Breitenhagen
It is so hot outside that we are to happy to see even the smallest amount of water!
Otherwise, there are nothing but burnt fields
Die Kirche St. Maria Magdalena in Plötzsky - see here
Pastor Mäusling explain a lot about the church to us.
A blind man made this sculpture!
Far in the distance, we could see a large tree!
These horses and buggy woke us up.
We put up our tents next to this beach . Of course! Then we jumped in. Ahhhh. Finally!
Continue to Magdeburg
Rudi - Checking the Route
Heading north toward Dessau
Sometimes we found she trails, but it is very hot!
You have to use this bell to call the ferry!
The cycling trails here are well marked. Below - a hiking path.
A brand-new bridge for bicycles near Dessau
Salad for Lunch - and Fish for Rudi
A real find - a shady bike trail
The proof - it is 108° today!
A wall was taken out to build this extension.
It was so hot outside that we had reached burnout.- so we turned to God and entered the churchit was not only cool but also very beautiful.
Angels were sketched for the chapel.
Finally, we continued in the hot sunshine.
Only 7 km to the campsite, we laid under this tree and slept for an hour before we could continue on.
The next morning at 5:30 a.m., I found this“Skinny Dipper “ on the same beach!
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