Polveira Beach - Portugal
What in the world am I doing in Portugal? Good Question! And that brings us to the real reason I started riding the bicycle a few years ago. Sure, the reason I explained in Escape from Reality is true, but there is a deeper reason. I’ll try to explain briefly here
You see, about 3 years ago the doctors said that I was severely handicapped and recommended that I apply for that status. I did and easily received a certificate that verifies a 60% handicap. It made me feel pretty useless, so I wanted to prove something to the doctors and to myself. I wanted to prove that even handicapped people can enjoy life and excel in some sports.
Yes, I was very sick back then, and I still have some very frustrating days - with a lot difficulty breathing, not from smoking - I gave that up 3 weeks after I started 4 decades ago, but passive smoke causes my bronchial tubes to close almost completely. How it came about is hard to say, but I feel best out of doors in the fresh air. Bicycling is the only sport I’ve found that allows me to remain fit and keep my lungs in optimal condition.
Now and then I have to make an Impromptu trip to clear up my lungs when the unexpected happens. So here I am.