Don Feidner

Catania  - at the Foot of Mt Etna

Last Update: 25 January 2012

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CIMG0395 Catania

Duomo de Catania - St. Agatha Cathedral

Catania (Greek: Κατάνη) is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea, between Messina and Syracuse. It is the capital of the province, and with 300,000 inhabitants (750,000 in the Metropolitan Area), it is the second-largest city in Sicily and the tenth largest in Italy.
Catania is known for its seismic history, having been destroyed by a catastrophic earthquake in 1169, another in 1693, and several volcanic eruptions from the neighboring Mount Etna volcano, the most violent of which was in 1669.

CIMG0420 Catania
CIMG0396 Catania
CIMG0397 Catania

Community Offices

CIMG0402 Catania

Benedictine Monastery - University

CIMG0398 Catania

Ancient Chapel - Via della Mecca

CIMG0408 Catania

Piazza San Francesco di Assisi

CIMG0413 Catania

Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII

CIMG0427 Catania

Relaxing on the Piazza Stesicoro

CIMG0430 Catania

After the Marketplace Closes

CIMG0433 Catania

Typical Street in Catania

CIMG0434 Catania

My Favorite Restaurant

CIMG0394 Catania

Fontana del Elefante - Catania

CIMG0423 Catania

Catania has had a long and eventful history, having been founded in the 8th century BC. In the 14th century and the Renaissance, Catania was one of Italy's most important and flourishing cultural, artistic, and political centers, having witnessed the opening in 1434 of the first university in Sicily.

Today, Catania is one of the main economic, touristic, and educational centers in the island, being an important hub of industry, thus gaining the nickname, "European Silicon Valley".

Catania is located on the east coast of the island, at the foot of the Mount Etna. Its position at the foot of the volcano was the source both of benefits and evils to the city. On the one hand, the violent outbursts of the volcano from time to time desolated great parts of its territory; on the other, the volcanic ashes produced fertile soil, adapted especially for the growth of vines.

CIMG0415 Catania
CIMG0417 Catania

University of Humanities and Philosophy

CIMG0401 Catania

Piazza Dante - University

CIMG0403 Catania

Student Dormitories in the Benedictine Monastery

CIMG0405 Catania

Benedictine Monastery

CIMG0409 Catania

San Francesco di Assisi - What’s that on his head?
Very Symbolic!

CIMG0425 Catania

Yes, That’s My Bike

CIMG0419 Catania

At a Café near the University

CIMG0432 Catania

A Narrow Street

CIMG0437 Catania Airport

Airport - Last View of Etna before Flying Home

I will definitely return to this fascinating city!            Return to first page.


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